I don't know of too many teachers who use art quite the way I do, as a way to get kids working together and solving problems. If you are a teacher looking for drawing ideas for kids, this post might interest you. This is a great way to using art and drawing in school. For years, I have been developing something I can best describe as noncompetitive battle art. Where kids work together in large groups to use problem solving skills and creativity to accomplish a mission. This mission might be something as simple as each member of the group taking ownership of one part of a group drawing to a giant group battle art project where students actually use their creativity to learn serious content via the art project. When I get the chance, I plan on writing out more detailed instructions for a few of the successful art battles that I have used in the classroom. I have done a few that turned out amazing and I thought that some other teachers might be interested ...
Draw Your Way to a Better Day! Kid-Safe Drawing Site.