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Showing posts from June, 2014

Cool Easy things to Draw: One-of-a-kind Drawing Adventure/ Online Drawing Courses

The summer is here and I am ready to reveal the most amazing way ever for students to get drawing ideas.  It is like no other online drawing class or tutorial on the web.  If you are a beginner looking to learn how to draw or an experienced artist looking to brainstorm new ideas, you've come to the right place.  You will unlock talent you never knew you had.  This is great for beginning artists, but it is great for anyone who wants to explore something I invented called a drawing map. The drawing map that goes with this super easy drawing will lead you through an online drawing class that has had proven success for hundreds of students. Online Drawing Classes, Cool things to Draw, Drawing Ideas for Kids and more!  The most amazing thing about these online drawing classes is that they take only a few minutes to master and they are failure free.  Kids love these cool easy things to draw so much I reserve them for school days that I know that I need an...


Cool Things to WEIRD DOODLES BOOST BRAIN POWER AND INCREASE TEST SCORES! Cool Things to Draw I discovered these bizarre tricks through a strange accident.  I did not originally start out wanting to be a teacher.  I am a MAD CARTOONIST!  But alas, I started teaching and fell in love with it.  I was originally only going to teach for a year while working on my cartoons, but then I found that I was obsessed with helping kids learn.  I also discovered that some of the crazy cartoons I was drawing with students started to change them in mind-boggling ways. Click below to learn about these cool things to draw: Learn about the Drawing That Can Control Your Teacher's Mind! Learn How Doodling Can Double or Even Triple Your Studying Speed! Learn How DRAWING Can Help You Study in Your Sleep!    The Eight Minute Lesson That Will Teach You to Draw Anything Perfectly! The Drawing Idea That Will Make Your Dog Bark and more... www....